Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Down to the Car Wash (We’ll Be Having Some Fun)

En route to the mini-bus stop in the mornings, we pass a large swamp/puddle of water near the road. This local “watering hole” (Quite literally) is the source of much activity with people washing clothes, bathing, collecting water to use for their shoe-polishing business etc. The most interesting aspect of this swamp/pool/marsh is that it also serves as a full-on/full-service car wash with people inviting cars to park near the swamp and people collecting water from the swamp and washing cars. It is quite the sight and quite the hubbub of activity. Cars of all types stop here. There are the blue and white taxis. There are a few Mercedes. There are trucks. You name it.

I wonder what the reaction would be from the locals here if they saw the over-the-top, automated car washes that we have in Canada. It would probably seem like a huge waste of water and power, plus the social aspect of the car wash here which creates a gathering place for many people would be completely lost in the automated process of a Canadian car wash. Now only if this car wash sold slurpees like the 7/11 back home – I would be all set.