Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's on the telly?

When we got home, we tried to find something to watch on TV. While we have satellite, of the hundreds of channels we receive, only about 10-12 are English and most of them are news. We will have our CNN fix though during the US election which should be quite interesting!

We ended up watching 5 minutes of an Amharic soap opera which are like Spanish telenovelas, Tamil and Hindi TV serials/soaps, or according to my roommate Mary, Greek soaps. Much like the Tamil and Hindi TV soaps, there was lots of melodrama, over-the-top crying, shouting and much large gesturing. There was no loud or dramatic music or slow motion scenes which are a staple in Tamil and Hindi TV soaps. In terms of makeup and fashion, everything felt very Michael Jackson era circa thriller – think big hair, big makeup, big shoulder pads - it felt like those clips of Spanish telenovelas you see sometimes on Ugly Betty (I think Betty’s father Ignacio watches them religiously on the show). As my Amharic improves, I might try tuning in again…..likely not….but you never know. I always used to hear from my French professor at the University of Saskatchewan that the fastest way to learn a language or perfect your pronunciation is to watch television in that language. So, who knows?

Finally, we ended up watching the last part of a movie from the 90s starring Cher and Ryan O’Neal (I even forget the name now). Like I said – slim pickings on the TV front, which really is good for me – it means more time for me to get caught up on some reading. I don’t know if I mentioned this in a previous post, but my office has such a wide collection of fiction – there is some Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Toni Morrison, some Chinua Achebe and whole collection of Agatha Christie. This also gives me more of a chance to explore some classes after work. I hear there is a Yoga class close to my house and I really want to do some volunteering. I will keep you posted on my search for extracurricular activities!