Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Office buddies

In my last position with the law firm of MLT in Saskatoon, we had a number of social events and activities that I miss dearly. We often had lunch 2 times a week at the local diner named Caesars where you could get an entire meal if you planned correctly for under $5. We also had the MMC [Midnight Movie Club] where a group of associates would attend midnight movies every Friday at the local second-run movie theatre. I would also have lunch with the awesome assistants, where we would eat our lunch and chat while watching episodes of classic TV such as 10 Years Younger and the-Other-Show-Whose-Name-I-Shall-Not-Mention. The people at the firm were great and I miss you all dearly. I hope you are all doing well!

Since I arrived in Addis and have started working for the EBA, I have gone out for lunch with some of my colleagues and eaten lunch in the lunch room with my co-workers. They are also a wonderful group of people who I look forward to getting to know better. Today, I got the scoop on local Ethiopian cuisine, how to prepare certain dishes, and where to get certain spices. Ato Birkenmeskal, one my co-workers, looks at me eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with my fruit and granola bars in the lunch room. He is convinced that I have some type of eating disorder. He made me try some of his lunch today which was a yummy type of spiced rice. He asked if I had tried injera and I told him that I had and I was given the low down on all of the different types of foods I should try as a vegetarian in Ethiopia.