Wednesday, August 27, 2008

There was once a dog named Cujo...

So we have been in our new house since Wednesday and have been slowly settling into a routine. There have been a few kinks to work out with respect to unwanted visitors (i.e. Mrs. Ant and her brood and Mr. C.O. Ckroach and his cousins) and intermittent water (i.e. no water in the mornings) and then flooding (the leak in the ceiling in Mary's room which sadly flooded her bed). For the most part it has been nice to finally call a place home. :)

Oh and by the way, did I mention we have a dog? I mean we don’t have a dog. The owners of the house have a dog. I have never seen this dog nor do I know its name, but based on the way it bangs against its kennel, barks and growls, it can only be named Cujo. Really, no other name seems appropriate. Cujo is the name of a frightening, vicious dog featured in a Steven King novel by the same name. This dog might have also been in a series of American horror movies.

Our landlord told us that Cujo is in his kennel during the day, but is released at night once everyone is home to patrol the grounds. Awesome. Cujo loose at night. For those of you who don’t know, I am absolutely petrified of dogs. Petrified. In another piece of evidence that Mary, Eric and I were meant to be roommates, apparently, they are somewhat afraid of dogs too. Listen. I love dogs on posters, on coffee mugs and from a distance. I believe all animals should be treated with love and respect and kindness. Dogs just No doubt there will be some interesting Cujo stories in coming blog entries. Stay tuned…..